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The health and safety of our guests has always been and continues to be our top priority. We also understand that life cannot stop, and given the health risks posed by public transportation, many people are struggling to go out and purchase necessary supplies or get to a needed, prescheduled doctor’s appointment.

Air travel has been limited and doesn’t serve as the best route for those with increased susceptibility. We understand that you still need to get where you need to be, and we’re here to take you there in a deeply sanitized, private and secure vehicle.

Our vehicles undergo an extensive sanitization process before and after each ride, and our professional chauffeurs are trained in the latest health and safety practices. Cleaning procedures and common practices include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Any employee who feels unwell will not be permitted at work. Employees shall not return to work until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met.

  • Clients who are showing symptoms are asked to cancel their trips. Please call our office if you are unsure of our cancellation policies, 678.974.5763.

  • All employees are encouraged to wash their hands frequently, especially before and after using or touching items in common areas.

  • All chauffeurs have been provided with face masks and gloves, and are wearing these items when completing services for our clients.

  • Our vehicles are equipped with Clorox wipes, Lysol, hand sanitizer, gloves, and trash bags. These items will be used to sanitize each vehicle before and after use for each trip. Cleaning materials are then disposed of, and chauffeurs are asked to sanitizer their hands and use a new set of gloves.

  • Some of our complimentary items will no longer be available in order to reduce touched items between our clients. Such items include bottled water, tissues, mints, literature, etc. Some of these items may still be available upon request.

  • Drivers are asked to resist the usual handshake with clients in order to reduce person to person contact.

  • While our offices remain open, we have a limited number of staff entering the building, in order to maintain social distancing. Some of our office staff are now working from the safety of their own homes.

  • Several of our vehicles have partitions. For a list of these vehicles, please call our office at 678.974.5763.

  • MCCI will constantly monitor the national situation and review our policy as needed.

  • MCCI is and will continue to take extensive precautions to assure, to the extent possible, that safe and healthy conditions are maintained in our vehicles.

  • MCCI also, recommends that individuals maintain proper sanitation procedures for themselves.

  • At no time should any group, knowingly, include sick individuals in their travel groups or in MCCI Company vehicles.


Please visit the CDC’s website for more information. We wish all of our friends and guests peace of mind and good health during these unprecedented times.

Have additional questions for us? Call our office today at 678.974.5763.



Duty of care remains the primary concern of Motorcoach Consulting International when providing our chauffeured services. Carey continues to monitor reports from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and other government agencies to stay updated on the current mandates and operation guidelines.

Our team wants to assure you that we are carefully maintaining a presence in Atlanta and taking precautions in order to conduct safe business for our valued clients and partners. We are continuing to take the following steps to mitigate the potential spread of the virus:

– Supplying Clorox sanitizing wipes with instructions for chauffeurs to wipe down all shared surfaces after each trip.

– Requiring the wearing of protective face masks by all chauffeurs.

– Stocking hand sanitizer in all vehicles for passengers to use.

– Suspending the placement of periodicals and consumables in the back of vehicles.

Thank you for your continued trust in Motorcoach Consulting International. We look forward to serving you!

We are Excellence in Transportation!

Providing first class logistics services worldwide.

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